Month: February 2025

Can “Horror” and Christianity Co-Exist?
A tiny publishing house in the Christian publishing sphere who thinks they’re hot shit has decided to take a number of stands lately. One is to slut-shame (or smut-shame) their readers with the hashtag #sickofthissmut in which they demonize readers of steamy romance. And today, they decided to announce an imprint for “horror, thrillers, and the darkness…so long as the light wins at the end.”
Now, in theory, I would have no problem with this. Christian beliefs states that “That light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5, HCSB). We believe that the battle between good and evil has already been won; it’s already the guaranteed outcome. For a Christian publisher to require that “horror” have that sort of ending is perfectly reasonable.

The Dissonance of “Love Hurts” (2025)
The experience as a whole was devastatingly disappointing. It was as if someone wanted to make action-comedy Sharknado quality but was told to make John Wick in real estate instead. And that is a problem that could have long-reaching problems for progressive representation.